Al-hikmah University Lecturer Orders 300 Level Law Students To Kneel Down

A lecturer identified as Barrister Onikosi at the Al-hikmah University in Kwara state on Monday morning ordered 300-level law students of the school out of his class to kneel down by the hallway.

According to sources in the school, the lecturer who ran his masters programme in Malaysia, is always in the habit of making reference to Malaysia whenever he is lecturing his students. Every example he cites is always from Malaysia.

This morning, he arrived the class and while he was lecturing, he asked the students a question and because none of them knew the answer, he reportedly referred to them as local. One of the students sitting at the back codedly shouted ‘But we are not from Malaysia’.

Barrister Onikosi heard it and was angry. He asked for the student that made the remark to identify himself and when none of them owned up, he ordered them out of his class and asked them to kneel down. See photos and a video below…

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